Class: Maybe

Maybe<T> is an option type that either holds a value of type T or Nothing.

The contents of a Maybe<T> can be accessed either with an "unsafe" API equivalent to boost::optional (or std::optional from C++14), or with a safer "monadic" interface that prevents errors through the type system.

If the contents of a Maybe<T> are accessed when the Maybe<T> contains Nothing, an exception is thrown of type EmptyMaybeDereference.

Maybe<T&> is specialized to support reference-like Maybes, in which case they behave exactly like Maybe<std::reference_wrapper<T>>.

Maybe<T> is also specialized for all "pointer-like" types, so a Maybe<std::unique_ptr<T>> takes exactly the same memory as an std::unique_ptr<T>, and treats the NULL pointer as the "Nothing" value.


Maybe(T value)

Construct a Maybe<T> containing value.


Construct an empty Maybe.

Maybe(const Maybe&)






Returns a point to the object. WARNING: Throws exception if the Maybe is empty.

operator bool

Returns true if the Maybe has an object, otherwise false.


Access the object as a pointer. WARNING: Throws exception if the Maybe is empty.


Access the object by dereferencing. WARNING: Throws exception if the Maybe is empty.


Swaps the contents of this Maybe with another of the same type.



Invoke: Just(x)

Returns: Maybe<T>

Convenience function for constructing Maybe<T> on the go without typing out the full type name for the constructor.


Invoke: fmap(maybe, closure)

Returns: Maybe<U>, where U is the return type of closure.

The safer way to access the internals of a Maybe<T> — the closure will be invoked when the Maybe<T> contains a value, and the return value is another Maybe with the return value of the closure.

See also: Monads/fmap