Build configuration

Configure how werk runs

The behavior of the werk command can be configured in two ways:

  1. Command-line arguments
  2. default statements within the Werkfile

default statements take precedence over built-in defaults. Command-line arguments take precedence over default statements.


# Set the output directory, relative to the workspace root. Default is "target".
default out-dir = "output-directory"

# Set the default recipe to run when werk is run without arguments.
default target = "recipe-name"

Customize your tasks and recipes

Build configuration variables in a Werkfile can be overridden from the command-line using -Dkey=value, where key is the name of a config key = ... statement in the global scope, and value is a string value.

config statements work exactly like let statements, except that it is an error if multiple identical config keys exist in the Werkfile. let statements may shadow config statements and vice versa, but config statements cannot shadow other config statements.

When a config variable is overridden from the command line, the value is inserted during evaluation at the point where the config statement occurs, and subsequent statements will see the value passed on the command-line.

Consider this Werkfile:

config greeting = "Hello"

task greet {
    info "{greeting}, World!"

Running this normally:

$ werk greet
[info] Hello, World!
[ ok ] greet

Override the greeting:

$ werk greet -Dgreeting=Goodbye
[info] Goodbye, World!
[ ok ] greet

A typical use case for this is to override the build "profile", i.e., whether to build in debug or release mode.

Example using the match expression to validate the argument:

config profile = "debug"
let cflags = profile | match {
    "debug" => ["-O0", "-g"]
    "release" => ["-O3"]
    "%" => error "unknown build profile '{profile}'"

Running this with default arguments:

$ werk --list
Config variables:
  profile = "debug"

Overriding the argument:

$ werk --list -Dprofile=release
Config variables:
  profile = "release"
  cflags  = ["-O3"]

Overriding the argument with an invalid value:

$ werk --list -Dprofile=wrong
Error: unknown build profile 'wrong'