Example: C program

This example shows a very simple project compiling a C program using werk. It showcases using depfiles generated implicitly by clang.


int foo();


#include "foo.h"
int foo() { return 123; }


#include "foo.h"
#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    printf("foo() returned: %d\n", foo());
    return 0;


default target = "build"

# Path to clang
let cc = which "clang"

# Path to linker
let ld = cc

# Build profile (debug or release)
let profile = "debug"

# Pick cflags based on the build profile
let cflags = profile | match {
    "debug" => ["-O0", "-g"]
    "release" => ["-O3"]
    "%" => ""

# Build rule for object files
build "%.o" {
    from "%.c"
    depfile "%.c.d"

    let include-path = "src"
    let flags = [cflags, "-I<include-path>"]

    # Generate depfile and object file in the same command
    run "{cc} -MMD -MT <in> -MF <depfile> -c {flags*} -o <out> <in>"

# Build rule for the main executable
build "my-program{EXE_SUFFIX}" {
    # Include all .c files in the build
    from glob "src/**/*.c" | map "{:.c=.o}"

    run "{ld} -o <out> <in*>"

task build {
    build "my-program{EXE_SUFFIX}"
    info "Build complete!"

task run {
    let executable = "my-program{EXE_SUFFIX}"
    build executable
    run "<executable>"